Surgically forehead lift
Our Surgeries
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About the process:
- Laparoscopic forehead lifts:
The doctor makes small incisions 2 cm long behind the hairline on both sides of the head at the right and left end and then inserts a small camera.
The doctor also inserts a special tool to make the necessary changes where the forehead is lifted and excess skin is removed.
The doctor uses dissolved stitches in the operation, but the scars are invisible because they are located under the hair. - The mini or limited forehead lift:
The surgeon makes slightly larger incisions above the temples just behind the hairline. After that, he lifts the skin of the forehead and re-tightens the subcutaneous tissue. - Classic Forehead Lift:
The doctor lifts the skin of the forehead after making an incision in the scalp between the temples. Then removes excess skin and tissue and re-tightens the muscles of the eyebrows to get the desired appearance.
Since the incision is located behind the hairline, the surgical scar is not visible after the procedure.
Before the operation:
In the consultation session, the doctor requests some tests to ensure the patient’s safety and health condition before performing any procedure and determines with the patient the type of tightening operation that is appropriate for him. In addition, there are some things that the patient must follow such as
- Inform your doctor about the medications to help you know which of them should be stopped before the operation.
- Refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 30 days before the procedure.
- Fasting completely for 8 hours before the procedure.

After the operation:
- The patient can leave the hospital one day after the operation.
- The patient can apply ice to the head to relieve swelling while keeping his head back after surgery.
- The patient will be given Instructions on how to take care of the surgical area, medications that should be taken orally or applied to the wound, instructions for general health care, and appointments for follow-ups with the doctor.
- It is possible to return to work two weeks after the procedure as the swelling begins to decrease.
- Strenuous work and activities should be avoided for several weeks such as sports, bending, and strenuous household chores as they may increase blood pressure.
- You should drink plenty of water and fluids and reduce salt consumption as it increases swelling.
Avitia Clinics
Avitia Clinics was established in Istanbul to meet the highest standards of healthcare. We provide our services to all patients in a friendly environment and we believe that good health is fundamental to a person’s well-being. We offer you the best medical and clinical facilities, and we are committed to serving communities and providing the best patient care through a dedicated team of doctors and experts.