
Facial fat injection

Facial fat injection

Fat injection of the face is a very important procedure to restore the freshness and vitality of the skin. Collagen stimulation lifts the face and eliminates fine lines on the face caused by aging or weight loss that causes severe thinning in the cheeks.

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Therefore, many women resort to injecting fat into the face to make the face look attractive, soft and fresher, because fat injection removes the small wrinkles and lines around the mouth called fine lines. It also removes pallor caused by dry skin due to external factors or aging. Fat injection brings the face back to life and refreshes cells to look fresher, softer and more attractive.

About the operation:

Fat injection of the face is done with general anesthesia, and the doctor may use local anesthesia. 

The duration of the operation ranges from one to two hours. The doctor marks the areas where liposuction will be performed such as the abdomen and back as well as the areas that will be injected with fat.

Liposuction begins by re-filtering the fat extracted from fat impurities and damaged tissues, and placing it in special small injections. The injection process is carried out with great care and caution in the predetermined areas until its completion. 

This operation is one of the most important operations used for the purpose of surgically lifting the face because fat remains permanently because they are fat cells that live permanently and continuously.

Before, the operation:

Before starting this procedure, the doctor asks the patient to do some necessary tests, including blood pressure, body glucose, and ECG to make sure the patient is safe before performing the procedure. 

You should also inform your doctor about which medications to stop taking before the operation, refrain from drinking alcohol for 30 days before the operation, and fast completely for 8 hours before the operation.


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